Mike Dawson

Yeah I always thought that it was weird that everyone seems to have bags of canadian money in "New York" It buggs me because its a great show and I am oretty sure no one would change the channel if it was supposed to be set in Toronto instead of an obvious forgery. I dont mind that they try to fool us. I mind that

Good point about Kira not being in school and being watched by random adults. They spent all that time setting up the dynamic of Sarah is a worse girlfriend than she is a mother, so where the hell is Cal? I mean isnt he the obvious choice to tag along and keep Kira safe? And they just burned his house down the least

It continues to astound me how amazing Tatiana Masleny is. She played the core members of the clone club so perfectly through three seasons and although done well the added clones thus far have seemed like a gag the show always keeps in its back pocket. But the scenes with MK have blown me away. Maybe becuase of the

Why does everyone think Conner has kept Sweet O in the dark about all the horrible things the K5 have done working for Annalise? I know he didnt tell him about disposing Sams body, but Oliver was there when Conner received the blackmail emails and the stalking stuff. I mean he even was at the slumber party at Ashers.