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    It's only funny because of how endless it is.

    Jaime might stop her. Also I bet all of King's Landing has figured out what she's done with the fire, she's not sitting on a very stable situation.

    I don't quite see what that has to do with male privilege either. Randomly changing hair colors is just poor continuity.

    I gotta say, I only read 1/4 of that.

    They'll probably have him come around at the end, so Su's family can be nice and whole again.

    I can see why Toph would be like this. She had overbearing parents, and as a child she felt like she didn't need them. She probably thought Lin and Suyin were better off finding their own way too. I'm not saying that this was a good thing to do, but it makes sense for her character.

    I think it's possible that Suyin wasn't going at 100% either. She was fighting her own sister after all.

    Oh man, so deep.

    Yeah, that's not what he lied about. What he lied about was in my post up there. Are you trying to argue with me?

    It's true that Korra lied too, trying to survive.
    But you were asking what Zaheer lied about, so here it is.

    You just made me realize, you know how Aang's avatar voice was a chorus of all the previous avatar's, plus his own? Korra wouldn't have that.

    The answers are hard man. Nobody has the answers, clearly.
    I think that people keep raising these questions in the hopes that SOMEONE can come up with a better solution than what we have.

    He lied about giving the airbenders back after Korra goes to him.

    Really good point about Bill's vs Jessica's romances. His shpiel about "darkness" and "light" has absolutely no basis, he hasn't been this superstitious since the Lilith days.

    Humans can only be carriers of Hep V, they don't suffer from it but they can pass it on.

    This has always gotten me confused. She's such a controlling psychopath, yet she's always helpful and nice even when it's not expected of her.