Ryan Gray

I'm also fond of TNT's dub of Pulp Fiction: "You're upset? You're upset? I'm a mickey-fickey mushroom cloud laying mickey-fickey, mickey-fickey! I'm the Guns of mickey-fickey Navarone!"

Some of my favorite memories growing up were trips to Chagrin and Chagrin Falls - the Colony theater was where we'd go when "big" movies opened, ET, Close Encounters, The Abyss; and there was one civics class field trip to hear Robert Bork give a speech at Tri-C that was completely redeemed by our "with-it" teacher's

I was working the morning shift at Blockbuster the summer of 2002 or so, when a ten-year-old kid came in, with a sandy-brown bowl cut and pop-bottle glasses on, browsing the aisles in that particular aimlessness only summer vacation can instill. I caught up with him in the comedy library and asked if I could help him

They left out a big change at Wrigley Field - Ferris today would be less likely to see a game on a school day there, since the Cubs only installed lights in 1988.

Dana Andews is a man?!?!

Best Christmas present my sister and I ever received!

I wonder if there was anyone on that X-Files writing staff who used that experience to shape how he might run a show some unimaginable day in the future on some network that in his time only runs Chuck Norris and Clint Eastwood movies on it.

I can confirm that. I pulled up next to him once near USC.

I guess I should stop reading the book on Deadwood history I just got for Christmas. It's astonishing already how much of the show, the characters especially, are taken straight from history.

I Am Wampa - Somebody read Grendel in high school.

And Fear the Walking and Talking, in which a post-apocalyptic Catherine Keener and Anne Heche discuss the general ennui and disconnectedness of modern relationships.

I've heard the worst version of Cornflake Girl. I had a one-week stand with an emo girl in college. About five minutes into a hardcore makeout session her Tori Amos CD skipped, and continued skipping, for the next 45 minutes.. "Never was a cornflake… Never was a cornflake…Never was a cornflake…Never was a cornflake…"

Evidently they still don't have Google in New Jersey. Or at AVClub headquarters.

I always thought it was about a couple named "Big Ol' Jed and Linah", actually.

Our household would have been so much more peaceful had the internet existed back in those dark ages. And much like Mike McD says in Rounders, I don't remember the arguments I eventually won, but I sure remember all the ones I lost. Like when I was purple-faced adamant that the line in "Paint It Black" was "No more

It was just the $2/$5 no limit table.

I found myself across a poker table from James Woods once at the Bellagio. He plays poker with all the bluster and intelligence with which he tweets. He also had a piece of high-school-aged arm candy that came over every five minutes to sit on his lap and fish a hundred from his pants pocket. I looked it up afterwards

I'm not sure if it makes me a bigger Bond nerd or alcoholic that I could name most of the movies by the drinks he has.

I would watch the crap out of Sanford & Son on Ice.

I have a co-worker who has zero pop culture knowledge because she grew up in a convent in Germany (true story!). We tried to teach an immersive '80's course one day by playing a Casey Kasem's American Top 40 from June of 1984. When that song came up, somewhere in the low 30's, I realized it had completely dropped out