
Yeah, season 3 was pretty bad - I still feel like that was the nadir, though. I've really enjoyed Cosima's storyline the last two seasons and Rachel's transformation into a full-on Bond villain

Probably, and they definitely put her in slightly drapey things. But even in season 2, where she's in the negligee and dominating Paul, she looks very slight. (Also, I've just realised there's been no fat suit clone yet, so I'm just really grateful about that.)

This isn't a new observation, but they have some fucking quality push-up bras for Cosima

The only reason Alison and Krystal haven't teamed up yet is because the show would immediately be over

I always feel like Rachel is one of the ones who doesn't really look like the rest - I don't know how they do it, but she looks soooo skinny

Of all the things that I like about this show, the fact that it makes me like racist Piz is possibly the most astonishing.

Yeah, I said at the beginning of this season that I was dying for Peyton to have a storyline that wasn't about who she's sleeping with, and I'm really glad that they're making her a part of the zombie conspiracy.

Yeah, I thought she was pretty clear about wanting answers and destroying Neolution.

I'm sad they didn't go for the hat trick and have him have a fling with Catherine. But, then again, we still have two episodes left and Catherine's had sex with a ghost before.

I always feel like JK Simmons in Whiplash with this show - they're either rushing or dragging. Still, though, surprise castration! Keeps us coming back for more.

Catherine: Charles is out of control. Must be Tuesday

Yeah, same. Like, even an episode to wrap things up would've been better than that tacked-on ending.

I watched it weekly while it was out, and it was starting to do this really annoying thing of having a massive cliffhanger at the end of an episode and then completely ignore it for long stretches of time. Maybe if it hadn't been cancelled those would've been resolved - it's kind of interesting as a sort of nascent

Yeah, cancellation isn't always a bad thing. Pushing Daisies was juuuuuust about to go off the rails when it got cancelled. And, in retrospect, I wish Community had been cancelled after season three.

The structure of this show baffles me. It feels like any other series would've had the Bothwell-Mary-Darnley love triangle from the beginning of the season. Not Reign, though!

I also feel like Lowell mentioned visions, but Liv's are stronger because she's intentionally trying to trigger them and is around stuff/people that were familiar to the person she ate

Seriously, this show was MADE for Enver Gjokaj.

Quick quiz: if someone told you during season 1 that five characters would still be around in season 4, how long would it take you to guess that Peppercorn and Leith would be two of them?

Time for the inevitable boring Greer/James/Emily Knox love triangle!

Interesting about Politically Incorrect being 'promoted' - this happens all the time in the UK. The BBC will often promote a surprise hit on a 'lower' channel if it does well. Two examples that immediately spring to mind are The Thick of It, which moved from BBC4 to BBC2, and the Great British Bake-Off, which moved