
I used to love this show, but the fanbase really soured me on it over time. At it best, it was an extremely clever, emotionally sincere 30 minutes per week that I looked forward to eagerly, but the very, very vocal fans put it on some kind of unreachable pedestal and i just kinda got tired of hearing about it. Also,

nice try. as superhero shows on network TV dealing with non-superpowered people taking on superpowered threats, they are VERY comparable. Also, Arrow's run lately has been astonishing, and it's at a level of quality that SHIELD will probably never reach

All this shows is that the general public has terrible taste in media. Not like us awesome, intellectual, super-hip, handsome and buff AVC posters!

I would lovingly scratch, pet and carress her sweater puppies if that's what you're implying

A pretty decent run of episodes lately. This show is now 1/20th of the show Arrow is, as opposed to 1/50th like it used to be.

I was a hipster before it was cool, so there!

I interacted with girls in high school enough to get a general idea of what they did to pretty themselves up. I understand if you didn't though.

MAC is super-fancy? Girls in high school used that brand…

People still watch TV?

Exactly. The MCU movies aren't "experimental" or particularly eclectic, but they're TONS of fun, with great storytelling, acting and a great respect for the source material.

I wasn't a huge fan of this film because it felt like an awkward clash between blockbuster sensibilities and Ang Lee's artier instincts. TIH was a slight improvement: more conventional but more fun. Ruffallo totally killed it in The Avengers

2 Stars 2 Wars

same here. one of my favourite albums

As a Toronto resident, my life is filled with nothing but pain and misery and missed opportunities when it comes to sports

Would Smashing Pumpkins be considered grunge though? Their sound was always a integration of many different genres, which is one reason their albums sound timeless compared to most of the popular stuff from the 90s

Jar of Flies and Dirt are 2 of my all time favourite albums. While the pain and angst on Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden albums could feel put on, it always felt genuinely, terrifyingly real on AiC's albums. In my opinion, Layne is one of the all-time greatest rock vocalists. He could so easily go from vulnerable,