tony g

Right? "Oh and this story we just reported? It was all false."

His only values are ego, greed, and "scoring" with pageant winners.

Tuns out he is a number, after all.

I though it was going to be a bland version of The Office, but it's pretty great. All they way around.

It was so lifeless!! Hahaha. Ahem.

They wouldn't *actually* harm him if he quit, obviously….but

Devil's Music, Holy Rollers and Hillbillies: How America Gave Birth to Rock and Roll, by James A. Cosby.

At the end of that episode, when he runs out of the city services building all fired up and thinking he is the greatest detective ever, and then slaps the ass of the statue of former Mayor Frank Rizzo, is insanely funny, and a brilliant touch of Philly history.

Plus Irag and Afghanistan only cost us between $4-6 Trillion so it wasnt costly. Nor do we have any betterthings to spend money on.

"sports car"/station wagon. Lololol

Book: Devils Music, Holy Rollers and Hillbillies: How America Gave Birth to Rock and Roll; Film: The Celebration; Album: The Posies: Frosting on the Beater

The man that tried to take over the world with force and slaughtered millions was anti-guns—exactly the same way the left argues for controls on guns. Greeeat analogy. Perfect even. Spot-on. Literally zero differences as far as I can see.


You're a real scholar.

Hitler was progressive? That's a good one.

Well, it would be like he sung co-lead vocals on "Satisfaction" and they only had one other truly great song together.

Devil's Music, Holy Rollers and Hillbillies: How America Gave Birth to Rock and Roll. Fantastic.

Also to be fair, it hasn't been to a court of law, but CC could also still have tons of credible information, or not.

..and whether a private sex tape relates to his status as a public figure.

The economic pressures and manipulations of the free press worry me—but I am not so worried about the ability of sites like Gawker to publish sex tapes, hacked scripts, or outing people.