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    I don't remember any clear references to Harry Potter past the obvious shared use of Philosopher's Stone (though Savitar's method for tricking people into helping him via ghosts of loved ones did feel somewhat reminiscent of the Resurrection Stone).

    You could pretty much skip it if you wanted to.

    I'm not really an Arrow viewer and only really pop-in for crossover episodes; but have to admit that this was a good episode and a good example of how to do a crossover episode that services your own story as well as the overarching one.

    Depending on what happens in Legends of Tomorrow, but I kind of feel so far that apart from some character interactions; Supergirl feels really superfluous to this crossover. Will be surprised if much carries over for her from this crossover in the second half of her own show's season.

    This was fun, though the pacing was kind of a mess. Supergirl's entrance into the story felt very sudden and you could feel the show struggle with trying to juggle so many different characters. Looking forward to the next two episodes though, and I'm hopeful that the crossover will be used as a way to move on from

    The Berlantiverse production team need permission from WB higher-ups for any characters involved in the DC films. I think Gotham the show also makes it more difficult to use Batman characters.

    Iris knows that Wally died in Flashpoint, doesn't she?

    Yeah, I'm hopeful the writing for his return will get better and Harewood will have more of an opportunity to develop the character.

    How is David Harewood so good as Martian Manhunter and so meh as Cyborg Superman?

    How good Afterlife with Archie and the writer of it being involved with this show is the only thing that really gives me any hope of this being any good.

    I mean, I think Roman will be booed pretty much everywhere against Owens. Maybe not to the same extent as Toronto; but there are very few TV audiences that are pro-Reigns.

    I honestly think New Day are holding the belts until (probably at Mania) they drop them to Enzo and Cass.

    He's still main-eventing the next PPV. I'd be surprised if there's much heat on Roman for Shane getting knocked silly. I suspect the limited appearances tonight was more a) they knew he would be booed mercilessly b) In terms of the title, tonight was about blowing off Owens/Rollins and transitioning to Owens/Roman and

    Yeah, I saw it mentioned somewhere in the comment thread. Wouldn't have picked it otherwise.

    For what has generally been a strong season so far, (my favourite of the Berlantiverse shows I watch), the Guardian subplot has been a low-light. Kind of wish they'd taken a page out of the comics and given James his Elastic Lad powers. At least if he gained superpowers, James wanting to be a superhero would feel

    Yes, especially if you have a fetish for beautiful yet emotionally remote women who will destroy you.

    Adrian Alphona? One of the sorcerers fighting with Wong had The Staff of One from Runaways. So that's probably what he had the special thanks for.

    Vince would like for ad rates to be as high as they possibly could be. Companies just won't pay as much for pro-wrestling as they would a show with comparable ratings. One of the reasons for the PG rating and why WWE tries so hard to push the family-friendly image. (WWE doesn't get a cut of ad sales anymore as well,

    The rumour is that he left his wife for Natalie Portman, without actually asking Natalie Portman if she was interested in him first.