
That is probably the second best episode of Season 4, but I'd rather just pretend Tritta never happened.

There have been promo pictures that show everyone in the study room. I'm sure they'll be back.

I forgot about The Middle! That would definitely be up there. Nathan For You is good too but I think of the Comedy Central sketch shows as a totally different thing for some reason.

The year-end lists have confirmed what a weak year 2013 was for comedy, as good as it was for drama. Most of the great returning shows either ended (30 Rock, Happy Endings, Bitch 23) or were down from their heights (Community, Parks & Rec, even Archer), and there weren't a lot of great new shows to fill their shoes

You know what I like about this trailer? It focuses on the shows' human elements and its storyline, rather than the "look how CRAZY we are!" angle that the trailers for Season 4 and the back half of Season 3 had. I hope the show itself follows suit.

I don't have anything specific to add right now, but I just want to say that this was a fantastic review that basically summed up my feelings on this episode. Is it a perfect Community episode? No. But it's a pretty damn great de-facto finale, and it puts a nice, if rushed, arc on the first 3 seasons of the show.

Steve Carell appeared earlier in the show, so probably not.

A. No question.

Yeah, saying the show does poorly is a bit of an overstatement. It's not huge, but it does well enough that Fox has renewed the show through 2015.

Technically you don't need a teaching certificate to be a sub, although maybe the rule changes once it's a long-term sub.

I wouldn't say the episode was just a spoof. It used the format, but I think there were enough actual jabs to make it a bit of a riff on the education system. (And the school administration has been portrayed in a not-so-great light before).

Brian's death has been a hugely publicized event and is the only time anyone outside of the loyal fans have actually given a shit about this show in at least five years, so I would say that if you're writing an article about Family Guy right now, it makes sense to mention it.

I liked it, but "best show of 2013" is reaaaaally stretching it. It wasn't even the best comedy show in 2013. In fact, it might not even be in the top 5.

The criticism of the education system in this episode felt very classic Simpsons to me. That show had an outright disdain for the American education system, and I definitely felt that here. It was interesting, because Bob's usually has more subtle social commentary (typically it's just in its complete acceptance of

I'd say B+ too only because it wasn't quite as hilarious as the last two weeks to me, but it was still incredibly enjoyable. Bob's Burgers had a really great 2013.

You could technically count Enlightened for Molly Shannon and The Simpsons for Phil Hartman. Both were technically recurring roles but I think they made enough of an impact to be counted.

The Grammys eligibility period has to be the weirdest of any awards show. A bunch of songs nominated for the "2014 Grammys" were released in 2012. I mean, Skyfall feels like *forever* ago.

It's a scary, lonely, Chang-filled world out there.

It is pretty sad to me that this clip is the largest cultural impact Community has made on sizable portions of the population:

Hey, Bitch 23 was great. And so is B99.