
I do not get the love for that Parks & Rec episode, which I thought was one of the worst examples of Parks' tendency to coast this year.

I don't know about that, but I do know that The Exes has the worst opening credits sequence I've ever seen on a television show.

And so is Louie. Also, Mad Men. Also, Breaking Bad before the final season.

I think it's a fine episode of television, but a bad episode of Community. Does that make sense?

Yeah, that was a great reveal. I'm really liking this shows' slow-burn character development. That's why I'm not worried about Peralta yet, I'm pretty sure they're building to something for him.

Yeah, 30 Rock and Louie are probably the two most accurate portrayals of New York I've seen on TV. Both work so well because they don't sugarcoat the city like a lot of other shows that film there do. They aren't afraid to show, well…this:

You might start to like Jenna more once you get to the later seasons. The character and Krakowski really shine once they just completely let go of any shred of sanity, which happens somewhere around Season 5. (Seasons 6 and 7 are her best seasons).

I was thinking this was a decent B/B+, but the last act was really fantastic. Some actual tense moments, a lot of great character stuff. It wasn't the funniest episode but I really enjoyed the character aspects and the plotting. At least an A-, I think.

Well, the site doesn't give A+s to anything and very rarely gives pilots the full A, so he's kind of right that an A- for a pilot is like an A+.

Mad Men is the better show, but Breaking Bad had the more memorable 2013, so I think BB will come out victorious.

Most of the new fall shows were crap, but aren't they always? This year at least gave us those 3 shows, so I'm willing to call it a better-than-average fall based on that alone.

I have a gut feeling it'll be OITNB. Seems to be the most widely-viewed of the new shows.

I sort of agree, but at the same time, I don't think anything airing in the next month will make much of a difference. Most network shows are wrapping up for the holidays in the next 2 weeks, and the majority of good cable shows aren't running right now.

"Too many characters" is silly. There's only five. Other shows have had way more. Community and Parks have like 7/8 central characters, and they do just fine.

I think it has been just fine, really. It's less consistent than Season 2, but I think they're building to interesting things, character-wise. I don't really get the overreaction, but I guess that's just me. The only episode I didn't really care for was Nerd.

Parks & Rec is actually an interesting example, because I think it gradually started leaning less on its mockumentary elements as the format became less prevalent.

It's not really a Deschanel vehicle like you'd expect. It's very much an ensemble comedy. And she's actually very good in her role once you get past the first half of Season 1.

I really, really liked tonight's episode.

I have no idea. To make things weirder, all of the other Fox comedies are new next week with their Christmas specials. Not sure why New Girl is sitting Christmas out this year.

I will never understand the internet's obsession with suddenly turning on things they love.