
It's the last episode of the show until the new year.

To be fair, Todd gave a very positive review to the first few episodes of Season 4, and noted that the show had improved substantially since then.

I hate Jamm, but I thought he was actually at his most tolerable in the second episode tonight. They made him a little bit more of a human being, which in turn made him funny instead of just ridiculously awful.

Agreed on Donna. She's having a great season.

The writers got some amazing stuff out of that Leslie/Ron divide though. They appreciated and respected each other despite their completely opposite viewpoints. The scene where Leslie's birthday surprise for Ron turned out to be a steak and an old western is still one of the shows' best moments for me.

Yeah, the Larry name change is really weird and unnecessary. The character has always been a punching bag but changing his name for no reason is just totally disregarding him as a character, which is very uncharacteristic of this show.

That's a good point. This design looks like a great mobile site, but that's just it. It looks like a mobile site. And I sort of feel like The AV Club is not the kind of website that can be *just* a mobile site.

Yay! Thanks!