the Late Idi Armin

I think it will revert to the mean pretty shortly.

according to Antony Boudain, Sicily is the place for you.

not really, the secret police become one's pimp .

which the liitle shits totally ignore and watch jackasses on youtube play with the same bloody toys that they have already and occasionally pick up to encase in play dough for some bizarre reason, which they then leave after being told 15 million time to pickup where it dries out or get smooshed in to the carpet. ace.

i'll think you'll find it merely a clubhouse, just wait for the godamned yumblats

employees that you have to let go.

those cheerful tones of your modem announcing it was time to download like a fiend.

Its not so bad with just the stereo but they are putting the HVAC controls on the touch panel which creates all sorts of issues.

you bet..

In my Defence, i will say that I was in my late teens at the time and that was back in the dark ages of the very late 1980s.

yeah probably right

Ist and only threesome MMF resulted in two flaccids because of the horror thought of two straight dudes accidentally touching kiiled the whole thing and even worse the girl wouldn't sleep with either of us again because we had ruined her fantasy.

a whole corporation huh? usually its just a friend.

My wife works with a lady who comes from a southernish state and has stated to say some words with a twang.

wasn't all that platonic. In Sparta because they had been twinks from 13 onwards (creating a militant gay army essentially), still living in a regimental barrarcks so when they did get married, the women had to dress in mens clothes and lie in a darkened room. get it stuck into her then could expect her new husband to

its just cos its winter and cold and haven't had sun for a while.

you'd think that would knock the kid out and true mostly it does except when it it makes them bounce of walls like monkeys on acid.

of course he's a sweet monster, he's got way too much blood in his sugar system.

as a part time employee of the YMCA and having to sort the same stuff, I hear you brother.