
Lady M would be a big improvement over the moron she came off as tonight. Hope you are right. I was looking forward to this show. Who wouldn't like a Godfather theme set in modern middle eastern terrorist strife?

So funny. Just reading the reviews before it premiered tonight, it was sounding like a middle eastern SOA.

I'll add Hil that I can't recall a show in a long time that had this extreme version of a cliche. I mean, especially being delivered at exactly the time when the Downton Abbey dog insulting group illegally calling itself ISIS is slaughtering its way through Syria and Iraq.

Your opinion is more than welcome. I think we need a whole thread on this issue.

Good to see you, ICP. We haven't spoken, but I've enjoyed your comments over several different shows. Yeah, it does sound like our old late pal Uday.

Fabulous! Too bad Tyrant isn't as entertaining as you are.