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    Late commenting on this, I followed the link from the David Warner one. Anyway, I had nearly read the whole thing and was wondering when they were going to talk about Halt and Catch Fire, when I realized that was a different guy, Skoot McNairy. Oh well….

    1955 is correct. The article is wrong when it says 1950.

    You do know that Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were 5th cousins (once removed), right?

    Another classic radio appearance: The Final Problem, with Welles as Professor Moriarty, John Geilgud as Sherlock Holmes, and Ralph Richardson as Dr. Watson: https://www.youtube.com/wat…. Also many more of Mercury Theatre and Campbell Playhouses are amazing.

    I tried watching the first 3 episodes of the Katering Show on Youtube. So far, I'm not feeling it. Is there a specific episode you'd recommend that might change my mind? Maybe the fact that I'm not really a foodie might have to do with my lack of enthusiasm.

    I watched this streaming on the Windows 10 app with close captioning on. It was interesting, it appears the soundtrack was revised after the captions were made, as there were quite a few lines of dialogue or narration that appeared in the captions that were not on the soundtrack. I guess some last-minute editing?

    I admit, I didn't get "The Third Man" connection, but I thought it was
    pretty hilarious that the closed captioning described the soundtrack as
    "country music"…I guess it matters which country you are talking

    Vanessa finds it while attending a theatrical production of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (consisting of projected drawings, barely animated)

    What's going on with the IFC streaming website? The episodes of Comedy Bang Bang since they revised their website always start about five minutes or more into the episode, missing the credits, introduction of the guest, and more.

    So anyone here know what's going on with the streaming version of this episode? It's missing the opening credits, and the introduction of both David Krumholtz and Andy Dick. (http://www.ifc.com/shows/co…

    He also plays Robert Crumb in the American Splendor movie.

    Fox is taking a break this week, there is not another episode until next week. They picked a great time for it!

    Actually, Jackson lost to Adams in 1824, even though he got more votes before it went to the House, and spent the next 4 years running on claims of a "corrupt bargain" getting Adams into the White House. He did not become President until 1828.

    I see Marc Maron had a small part as one of the community board members. I wonder if he is scheduled in any further episodes.