
Lyanna didn't mean Rhaegar when she said 'he must never know', she meant Robert.

Because generally speaking in real life and media we *don't* have equality, and that inequality is specifically a disadvantage for women, so we need a work that recognizes that women have historically gotten the short end of that stick.

You also asked about Sansa and Baelish's plans for her, or at least commented on it. I responded to that. Perhaps you did not like that I responded to one part of your comment and not the other but that's not really my problem…and in fact, I don't think your points make a lot of sense from a gameplayer perspective.

I didn't answer that question because I am not obligated to answer every question. I don't know, so why would I answer?

If you only took jobs you liked and agreed with the process for 100% you'd be perpetually unemployed, no matter what you do. You will always be asked, expected or required to do something for your job - any job - that you don't want to do, strongly disagree with or are actually offended by.


Because in case his work in the Vale didn't come to fruition he might have the Boltons as an ally through Sansa. I'm not sure it was ever clear he 100% intended to take on the Boltons - he might've if Sansa's marriage hadn't worked out, or he might not've if it had. One always needs a plan B, C and D…

My guess as to Tommen's secret - Margaery is pregnant.

The person who "immediately died" fell from a lesser height, but onto a stone courtyard. They're jumping into a snowdrift. Not the same.

But it's not frozen ground, it's a snowdrift.

Greyscale is going to replace the "pale mare", seeing as the show isn't nearly as big on prophecy as the books…

The title of each episode usually refers to several themes in one episode uniting the disparate storylines - it's part of what makes the show usually brilliant. It will probably involve several different mothers - Danaerys and her dragons, Cersei's walk of shame, Arya killing someone in the name of the Mother, maybe

Loved the title. Everyone in this episode is dealing with problems in their home - everyone's home is hard. Hardhome just looks like a crappy cold place to live and now it's overrun. Castle Black is a difficult home for Sam and Olly, for different reasons. Sansa is in her ancestral home, learning about her family also

I re-watched that scene, and Tyrion tries to jigger his way to freedom by saying "I heard Meereen is a free city with free men in the fighting pits. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for fighting with slaves. Now if we were free men paid a wage…"

Not stupid. Just poorly informed and not good at creating the sorts of networks that she would need to be informed (to be fair, Meereen is a hostile place to do this - even if she realized she needed to develop such networks, which I'm not sure she has, she probably wouldn't be able to).

She doesn't know.

Hey so nobody noticed that everyone convinced Sansa to re-open the fighting pits with the idea that free men would volunteer to fight in them, and yet the people fighting at the pre-tournament killing she's watching are actually slaves?

He knew from other castle gossip that she was likely involved and went after her, flaying her only to see if she really was helping Sansa or not? He probably wasn't entirely sure when the first skin started coming off and I doubt hed've cared about flaying an innocent woman.

Best guess on Littlefinger?

At first I was all "huh", but I think I get it.