
I'm actually looking forward to this more than I thought I would have. Rick Rubin has a knack for taking artists who used to be good, but started sucking years ago and making them good again.

"Until somebody solves the part of the equation that shows me that ten
million people in Seoul don’t die in the first 30 minutes from
conventional weapons, I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s no
military solution here, they got us."
I never thought I'd agree so strongly with something Steve Bannon said.

Hammerfall may be mid-tier power metal, but they're at the top of the mid-tier as far as I'm concerned. I'm surprised to see that Somewhere Out in Space came out so close to Iron Savior though, looks like Kai Hansen had a busy 1997. You're right though, the author's point would have been better made by trimming the

No mention of Hammerfall or Iron Savior? Both of those are solid debut albums. I shouldn't be surprised though, it's just continuing the thread of mainstream music publications trying to pretend power metal doesn't exist, creaming over whatever death/doom/black metal happens to be around at the time. On that note

Without a doubt, the bongo solo in Day of the Baphomets by The Mars Volta. No matter how loud the music already is in my car, I always crank it at that point. That song also opens with one of the greatest bass solos ever, and there's all sorts of other solos (guitar and otherwise) throughout the track.

Pet Sounds is easily in my top 10 favorite albums. As much as I enjoy Sgt. Pepper's, it's not even the best Beatles album (that'd be Magical Mystery Tour).

Saw him three times, once with a full band, once with just him and a keyboard (and one other guy singing), and once last year on his speaking tour. All were phenomenal and I'd go see him again in a heartbeat. I later saw one of the bands who opened for him at the more "solo" show (at one of their own shows), and they

Technically 1/3 of the angels are, but whatever.

My friends and I would always just listen to the Streets of Fire soundtrack while playing Streets of Rage.

Not to nitpick, but Sentai isn't a genre, it's a show. You mean tokusatsu (sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, just one of my pet peeves). Other than that, I agree with you.

Seriously, I don't think anyone can hold a candle to the number of self titled albums Chicago has, something like 25+ (the numbering counts non-self titled albums too). They even did self titled live and Christmas albums.

I don't totally dislike The King is Dead, there were some good songs on it, but it was a real letdown after Hazards. I was really hoping they'd keep moving more and more in that direction, making bigger and bolder music. At least at this point, they're more able to surprise me with something great than disappoint with

I'm enjoying this a lot more than their last couple albums. The Hazards of Love was a masterpiece, but The King is Dead was aggressively mediocre (and I felt like all of my friends had lost their minds for raving about how good it was). Hopefully this helps get them back on the right track.

"Has been called" doesn't mean they are that. I've seen Justice called dubstep and Skinny Puppy called techno.

If this ends in a movie version of the Protomen's take on Mega Man, I'm all for it.

The weirdest for me was seeing him in Highlander 2.

I still use my old Space Jam pillowcase. My wife hates it.

If it were any other actor, I might agree with you, but I find Will Forte endlessly hilarious. Even when Tandy was at his worst, I could never truly hate him.

They change creative teams and continuity every year, so you get a bit under 50 episodes over the course of a year, then a new show starts. It's nice, since the writers usually have a clear end point that they're moving towards instead of figuring out what happens over the course of multiple seasons, and you don't

I actually enjoyed this episode decently, though going in with low expectations from all the negative reviews certainly helped. I'm really intrigued with Ward as a character so far. He's clearly lying to everyone (he tells his father he didn't talk to Danny and doesn't know what he wants, when they did talk and he