
I'm transethnic and I hate brits, sorry chap

but muh patriarchy

It's funny because these movie's have always had a socially liberal subtext about tolerance, coming out, racism, etc. Oh and they've all been made by a gay man.

use zhir'z correct pronouns or else

Context is everything, like you said. So it's not just a "small blue lady," to X-Men fans it's Mystique, to casual fans it's that blue thing from those X-Men movies that I just got reminded were out and I should consider going to see. I don't think the poster is in great taste but it's marketing and isn't the


emory university students cannot stomach the thought of having Trump's name written in easily removable chalk on their campus. So they made a big deal about something they could've ignored…..wait a minute……


Don't forget college kids triggered by presidential candidates' names written in chalk

I like the way you words

I've tried bro.

Your false dichotomy is false. Rose McGowan and a few other SJW's are getting triggered by a billboard. The "controversy" isn't going both ways.

So I think your problem is with the location rather than the poster. I'm not sure I'd call it terrifying but I understand the concern.

Look I'm just a pangender aromantic demisexual lasagna but even I can tell when people are too sensitive.

I don't disagree that it's in poor taste, maybe. But it's a violent action movie. It has images like this. I'm not sure I would've placed it in that location where kids can see it.

People ignore shit I'm offended by all the time. As do I mostly. It's called being an adult. Salud.

When there's nothing to fix, indeed it is.

if it were a guy getting choked there would be zero controversy. It's exactly what's going on here.

Why should we manage your emotions for you? Try ignoring stuff you find offensive.