
Have you seen the speech she gave before voting? It explains everything. Firstly, Bush and Cheney were lying to the people about WMDs and Iraq's link to Al-Qaeda. Secondly, she wasn't voting for the war, she was voting to authorise Bush to use force if he so choose. The idea was to add credence to America's threats

Yeah, except Clinton isn't objectively terrible. She's made some mistakes but is overall good. Although I'm saying this as a progressive; conservatives might hate her because of the things I admire about her.

The movie had a really weird first act - it didn't quite know what to focus on, and took way too long to get started. The "witch" character/ritual should have been set up from the beginning.

Well he's right. Nothing Laika has done compares to Pixar's best.

I don't think they are like Pixar at all, to be honest. Pixar films are more about storytelling and clever screenplays, whereas Laika films are focused on the animation and world design. I think Studio Ghibli might be a better comparison, but even then, I think Laika are more of an original voice in cinema.

I wouldn't be surprised if this were an actual comment somewhere

The scene in Lincoln where he puts on his hat and slowly walks out of the White House for the last time… it's such a perfect final shot, the rest of the film is unnecessary and kinda cheesy

Wait why was Deep Breath seriously flawed? It took too long to get started but I would still describe it as 'Not Perfect but Still Pretty Fantastic'.

"I'm just an idiot" and a damn fine skydiver too

I would say respecting the medium would be telling a story through visual means, which is the opposite of what he does in this film. "Show, don't tell" is the first thing we learn at film school…

Ah I wish I could love it as much as you did! I was really disappointed by it. I felt about 200 pages could easily have been cut, the cohesion between stories was very weak (didn't get a sense of how Holly changed over time), the only story that had proper structure and actual resolution/some kind of ending was the

I agree - I suppose every new Doctor leads to show to reinvent itself. Don't get me wrong; I loved the Matt Smith era and felt he was a great Doctor, but I like the new show and the new direction.

I think it's because Clara was going to tell Danny that she was pregnant.

Terrific episode. I do agree that the Dr Chang scene was drawn out a bit, but the direction was gorgeous (man the production values on the upside-down city), the acting was sensational, and the reveals (that weren't already in the promo) were awesome. This episode has a lot of potential - I just wonder how they can

I wanted everyone to die. Be a nice ending to this kiddy episode. The whole planet goes to "Heaven" and the finale only gets crazier from there. I dunno.

I think this is the best series of Doctor Who in a LONG time. It's basically another reboot. Although I disagree regarding 'Deep Breath' and 'Time Heist' as the weakest episodes. Deep Breath was terrific once it really got started, and Time Heist was one of the best episodes. I wasn't a big fan of Kill the Moon tbh -