
Let us know what you think of it!

I haven't checked it out but it's been on my radar since the first issue because, yeah, it was "that's my jam" written all over it. I see it's in a trade now.

I hadn't realized Deadman was a return to the prestige format. That's awesome. I loved that format, good to see DC giving it a shot again.

You know me well, Johnny Friendly.

Wow, yeah that description certainly hooked me!

I still need to read Fatale too!

Congratulations on being on the verge of your own place! That's huge. So, no roommates then?

I just dropped Green Arrow after the last two-issue arc (still have to read the second issue of that arc), and now that I hear they returned to the Ollie and Dinah stuff I'm reconsidering after your comment! That was a big reason I dropped the book - after it initially seemed like they might focus on them in the early

Scott is so damn talented. I've realize recently that she's easily one of my favorite artists working in comics. I always liked her, but her work the last few years just seems to have gotten even more impressive.

I can't recommend Velvet from Image enough. I have yet to read the third trade, which came out a few weeks ago, but I'm eagerly anticipating it's awesomeness. Love that series. It's spy, thriller stuff.

I just finished it the other night! Can't wait to discuss.

I think I'm going to pick up Deadman next time I hit the shop. This looks gooooood.

No but I definitely want to check it out!

You know popped up on Spotify yesterday? "Molly" by Sponge. That one always gets me too. I think in 1995 it worked on me because it reminded me of Sixteen Candles. Today it works for me because it reminds me of 1995.

Ha, oh shit! Corrected. God I love both movies and that was just a slip.

When Ruffalo's daughter takes on the guitar solo, tentatively at first, and then you see her really gaining confidence as it builds? Wow. So good.

Ooooh, the Killers song that gives me chills is "Mr. Brightside." Every. Damn. Time.

There's a rooftop recording session in Begin Again that also comes across as very real and organic. John Carney clearly has a talent for bringing that moment of musical creation across on film in a really powerful and true way.

Love Josh Ritter. "Kathleen" and "Girl in the War" also crush me every time.

When a song kicks as much ass as "Maps" does, the fact that it's repetitive only enhances it's awesomeness.