
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday now, in case I forget later!

Do you mean make the beast with two backs? Play a game of hide the canoli? Thread the ol' needle? Or are you just saying your lusting for a thrusting?

I can't wait now! And I read that Thanos Annual back when it came out so I'm looking forward to reading it within the context of the rest of the work now too. I'll report back to you when I've read it!

That reminds me, Scourge of the Underworld killed a whole helluva lot of bad guys back in the day. No clue if they're still dead but I bet plenty of them are. I realize no one cares about these characters, trust me.

Yup, I'm pretty sure Ch'p is still dead.

Having just read a '90s Superman and the Justice League collection, I vote for Maxima cosplay! Seriously, she'd be a nice complement to your Power Girl cosplay, PG.

Also, been meaning to ask: did you and I have a convo about Starlin's recent Thanos OGNs? Because if so, I finally read the first three earlier this year and loved 'em. They're as trippy as I expect my Starlin stories to be. I recently acquired the recent series, in a trade, that featured Warlock and had Alan Davis on

That's really cool about Hama working on the next issue(s). I've read some great stories about him and Priest during their Marvel days. I'm looking forward to checking this series out!

Once again, you stole my answer.

You hit on the only thing I ever really love about Jeph Loeb comics: the Tim Sale art! Yellow is beautifully illustrated. Doesn't compare to Man Without Fear but still worth reading if you love Daredevil.

That's a good thing; that series has been terrific so far!

Claremont X-Men reread continues: at Inferno right now! So I'm reading this one in trades, which include the Louise Simonson X-Factor, Power Pack, New Mutants, and X-Terminators stuff. Man, Louise was busy in the '80s! I'm loving being fully enmeshed in the wild world of '80s X-Men once again.

Yeah i've never been into the character but I really want to see Priest do his thing.

Man do I love '80s Cloak and Dagger. Marvel's releasing a couple of fat trades of their series from that era next year and i'll be all over those.

Anyone reading Deathstroke? If so do you like it so far? I'm tempted to pick up the first few issues next time i'm in the shop. I do love Priest, after all.

Well, The Man Without Fear is a pretty great origin retelling and expansion itself.

Looking forward to it!

Doom Patrol is out this week, right? I'm definitely planning on checking that out. I still haven't finished the Morrison run, unfortunately. I started it ages ago from the library but fell off. I loved it, need to get back to that. But yes, I'm excited for Way's new imprint. I want to try Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic

The reading club discussion is last Friday of this month, right? I just reread Kingdom Come in anticipation. I can't wait to discuss!