
"Leon's getting larger!"

Oh god, really? I'm not surprised though. Very few things bring forth the ire of rabid patriots quite like the Olympics, it seems.

Report back with your findings!

Stick with it, it's a lot of fun. Not everyone likes Adams' work or style, but I say read a little more to figure out how you feel.

The Martian Chronicles still haunts me. Such a wonderful book.

I've had a used copy of Neuromancer sitting around for a few years and I'm finally starting it now. So far so great.

Congrats! Our twins were in the NICU that amount of time too and it was so hard. Just emotionally draining. They're healthy and happy 19 month old kids now, driving us crazy and making us laugh on a daily basis. I'm glad your little one is growing and getting stronger!

I love Victory Summer Love. Good choice!

I had a nip of Fernet-Branca the other night after a particularly long and difficult day.

Damn, that sucks. Take some time to decide what will be best for you and your family member. And cry at work if you need to and those guys can go suck eggs. Nothing wrong with real emotion, especially at times like this.

"I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you."

You can't go wrong with stops at the Strand or Forbidden Planet.

A World of Beer opened up near me right around the time we had kids and I haven't made it there yet. How is it?

Cap's shield! Granted, I'd just hang it on the wall like Colbert but it'd look cool.

"There are some things I don't do."

"Ferrara’s direction whips up the male cast to the point where everyone looks like they might puke or throw a punch at any moment, and yet still leaves plenty of room for nuance."

That page is a real stunner, you're right. I'd be curious to know what comic it was, too.

Doing well, thanks. I love when friends of friends become friends. I met a guy this weekend at a friend's party and now he and I are in touch and he did financial work and might be able to sit down with my wife and I to talk about some options for us. Fortuitous!

A while back I started rereading Chris Claremont's Uncanny X-Men from the start. It's something I'm doing in fits and starts in between other reading, but this week I read from #201-209, so I'm about to start the Mutant Massacre. After that will be interesting because I missed some of the run at that point way back,

I read Wonder Woman: Guts this week too! So far I'm liking that series a lot but I think a lot of that comes from Chiang's beautiful art. I'm into the story too, but damn Chiang turned in some amazing art on that one.