
Yeah, I read Priest's thoughts on McGregor's '70s run and it seemed like he struggled with some of that stuff too, understandably. But overall he seems to have a hefty respect for what McGregor did, which bodes well for us enjoying it, I bet.

His covers for Shadow of the Bat back in the day were gorgeous.

Priest's run is amazing! And the seminal '70s run by Don McGregor is being traded later this year in an Epic Collection. I have my eyes on that one, as that series has long been one of my comics buying "white whales."

I'm not sure if Judgement Night would qualify as a prestige thriller (it has more of a b-movie type spirit) but it's still one of the most ludicrous yet highly watchable movies from the '90s, IMHO.

This reminds me, I really need to read that series someday. My friend constantly raves about it and we both love Jae Lee, so I know I'll at least like the art.


That is phenomenal. Now I want to read Squirrel Girl!

The only way that seems relatively painless would be to scoop up assorted trades of the major arcs of the era….except in that case chances are really high you're going to miss a bunch of filler issues or just issues that didn't tie in heavily to the arc being collected. Maybe the Epic Collection line might be the way

I feel for you, Jordo. Keep your chin up though. Are there are comics shops you like near you that you could inquire about working at, instead of just this one? Clearly you're a book person so are you looking at any jobs in the book biz - and by that I mean all facets of it, from publishing to libraries to bookstores

I read Amazing, Web of, and Peter Parker the Spectacular as a kid, they were some of my favorite comics. But I haven't read much Spidey at all in ages and I've definitely been tempted to do a big read/re-read through on Unlimited of that era except, like you, I'm thinking it will be a major pain in the ass with all

You nailed it. I was excited to see versions of this characters I hadn't seen in a while but then the trappings of the Convergence silliness kind of prohibited the characters - and eras - from being as engaging as they could have been.

I forgot I also read Black Widow #3 last week. I agree that it was a bit of a let down from the first two issues, but I had so much fun just admiring Samnee's art and storytelling that I didn't mind.

For some reason I can't muster up the interest to check out her series. I know everyone loves it though.

This reminds me, I never got around to commenting on your totally awesome crossplay pic that you shared yesterday! You rocked it, man.

So what's everyone reading? I've been all over the place lately, having a hard time just hunkering down with one book at a time. So I've been reading a little of one series one night, a little of another the next, then back to the other series. No clue why, I swear I don't have ADHD.

Well that'll do it then. Thanks for the info, I only read one vague post about him a while back where it was mostly comprised of cryptic tweets that required a lot of inference to even make a tiny bit of sense out of it.

I actually like how he draws lips! I just finished reading all of Preacher and I can the lack of detail in his backgrounds being annoying. But, I disagree that he can't draw anyone to not look inbred. He just happened to have to draw a lot of inbred-looking characters in Preacher, but plenty of the characters didn't

controversy-magnet Nathan Edmondson

I've never heard of Phantom 2040 before but now that I know it exists I must see it.

I guffawed at that one!