That Guy

Who the fuck is he thanking?

This is a very relevant pop culture-based article.

No, that's a spoon.

This article made me feel hopeful and then, after reading less than 25 comments, I felt like shit again. GREAT JOB, INTERNET.

"In an interview I read, Lauren Graham says that she swears."

"Why don't we call the movie 'Boo 2'?"

There's a special place in hell for people who use this tragedy as an excuse to make fun of her music. The internet is the fucking worst.

This show was a visual masterpiece and, in the finale, I went from tearing up from joy to sadness to joy again. Bravo, Genndy.

The New Adventures of the Old Pope. Has anyone made that terrible joke yet? No? Ok cool, I'll just see myself out.


He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life.

We all knew it contained spider eggs, but the hanta virus? That came out of left field.

Ah, Tibor, how many times have you saved my butt?

My fear is that he's now going to have to face a choice: go back to the past and undo everything Aku did, or stay in the future with Ashi. And since Jack has always been a tragic hero, he'll choose to sacrifice his own happiness.

As much as I loved seeing them together, my thoughts immediately went to the fact that if Jack succeeds and goes back to the past and defeats Aku…well, Ashi won't exist. YOU'RE KILLING ME BUSTER GENNDY

Week after week, Teddy continues to solidify himself as this generation's Bill Dauterive.

I'm surprised at the lack of "I don't watch this show, but I've decided to troll the comments section about how much I hate it" posts this week.

It was a little rushed and convenient, but I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when Jack was restored to "classic" status.

"How is this a fair trial? My lawyer is a Morty."

I usually watch TV while playing a game or dicking around online but I've found that I just can't during this show. The artwork is probably my favorite character at this point (which I mean as a compliment).