
I have 2…

While I agree that there are tons of mom-or parenthood- stories to be told, you know how doesn't really want to witness that?
Those without kids.
As hilarious as some parenting situations are-and there are many, to be sure-parenting is such a polarizing and…specific thing, I suppose…am I making sense?

Oh, I've been waiting for Dead Cross…

With Just Cause 3 being free for PS Plus, I downloaded it, not expecting much, but….holy shit, is it fun. So, my backlog is delayed for…some length of time lol


No it isn't.

Check and mate, mate.


This needs to be discussed more.

Does that mean he's starring in it?

Oh, for sure. Just a theory.

Another entirely possible theory.

I figured…I wouldn't use it as any sort of explanation or excuse for his beliefs/behaviour etc., but there are definite similarities and red flags that have had me wondering for a couple of months now.

Eh, I've seen late stage alzheimers….it's not pretty, and impossible to hide.

Is it possible that he's in the early stages of alzheimers?

If it's a duplicate……

Where does the "A" come from in their acronym?

Don't push him, cuz he's close to the edge.

I eagerly await the next NBM band, "Public Transportation Seat".

Me neither. I'm good.