

You're more animal than man!

Him and Jill Stein should run together in 2020, so we can call their presidential run "Al&Jill".

The Joy Of Cooking Steve Allen.

I think it needs to be understood that obsession with someone else's sexual orientation is a perversion, much like if you attend a Roman Catholic Church, donate to the collection plate, you are-by proxy-guilty of pedophilia.
Seriously, it's fucking perverted and not normal…

No…he is.

Why apologize? He's entitled to his opinion, no matter how ridiculous, moronic and utterly wrong it is.

Maybe they'll do synergistic programming with CSI and Criminal Minds…and Big Bang Theory…and ….fuck it, time for video games.

Apparently Kevin couldn't wait to kill his wife.

Heh heh, this guy here…heh heh..whata clown!

Might I suggest this as a parting song?:

Fuckin Fugazi

I don't like these guys…maybe it's me, but I don't like them.

This is the exact same explanation I was going to give my wife for why I was going to leave the family for her Asian and Spanish best friends…now, I just look like a horny asshole.
Thanks a lot Mandy!

Thank you, Satan

I've been catching up with movies I've never seen after a conversation with my wife 2 months ago.
2 weeks ago I watched Boys N The Hood, and man…that has not aged well, at all.
This weekend it was Good Will Hunting, and…yeah, not good…not good at all. Next up is The Titanic….

"You've seen too many movies" is right up there with "reverse the polarity" and "come to poppa, you sonufabitch!" as phrases I want to say unironically some day

I remember that!

Little Miss ElbowKnees, if you please.

….and my "Queen Kotex The Bloodthirsty" was rejected?
Fuckin squares, man.