
You can't stand the way I tease?

Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away
I've got to get away from the needle you drove into me

Am in the right neighborhood though?

Is that Crossroads?

I couldn't fucking begin to imagine…I like food and all, but ….

The Jolly Bengalli?

I read that as "Billie Joe"….

Hands up if you think Trump wrote that himself…unironically.

On one hand, Jessica Williams
On the other hand, rom-com
On the other hand, a Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar
Eh, decisions later…

That would have been amazing.

She'll live forever in my world. Far and away the most important actress as far as I'm concerned. RIP.

It may be time to take up arms against this idiotic demagogue.

In this particular instance, the hypocrisy of the statement and stance makes it a more than worthwhile thing to note.

You make an excellent, terrifying point.

The fact that a sitting member of the government of "The Most Powerful Country On Earth" can be pranked so fucking easily is ….frightening.

Destiny 2: Double Down The Inverted Spiral?

I know your brother Allen!

I can't wait to see this movie and then brag to the losers at the Legion that I, too, was at Dunkirk, and it was awesome!

Those cheese eatin surrender monkeys?

Hahaha…your country is a living fucking joke.