
If he needs help, I hope he gets it.

True story:
Many moons ago, our high school in kitchener went to see 2 plays at the Stratford festival. In between the plays, we walked around the town, and suddenly me and my friend Craig Cardiff (some people may actually know him), were surrounded and accosted by some local …umm "toughs"…nothing came of it, but it

Hahaha…what a fucking idiot this guy is.

I often got him confused with JT Walsh.

The Michael Eisner Award….that's….well….. you have a lovely home.

I've tried it on 4 string, and I'm pretty shitty at it. The ghost notes-which I'm normally pretty good at-I'm fucking terrible at in that song.

I made a promise to a little boy that I wouldn't purchase any new games until I finished most of my backlog, in an attempt to teach a lesson about responsibility and finishing tasks that you start.
My son then looked at me and said "Dad, you don't have a job", to which I said "Exactly, son. My parental and video game

I, too, am pretty rad. Logic dictates I should own this game.

The following NoMeansNo solos:
Kazoo in Hidden Track (The Future Is A Past)
Drum Solo in No Big Surprise
Organ Solo in Slowly Melting
Other solos I enjoy:
Bass solo in Tommy The Cat
Saxophone solo in Acid Flashback

Yeah, I'm a sucker for anything related to a "job" system, and I liked the unique spin they put on it.

I've been casually going through FFX-2 on vita, and I think in many ways it's superior to FFX. My personal favourites are V, X, and XII.

I really want that game.


Clearing my backlog still, so I'll be finishing Tomb Raider on ps4. I've sworn off buying anything new until I get 2/3 through my backlog, which kinda sucks because I totally forgot about FFXII coming out…but, it feels good to clear my backlog.

I've only got the one "Let's Have A Talk With The Dead", and only because I was given it by Tommy Holliston…it's good, but it's not for everyone. I kind of think of as "New Pornographers" for the bizarre.

Sax solo in "Anything But Love" by The Showbusiness Giants.

Thanks. I don't know his struggles-or his situation; perhaps he lost someone he loves to depression or suicide, and sees it as black & white, or perhaps he's just lonely and angry because of it, and uses the Internet as a place to vent …whatever it is, I'll just take it as an opportunity to educate or engage a

RIP. My thoughts to his family and loved ones.

As a guy who struggles with depression and has 2 kids, let me suggest another theory:
You believe that your kids and wife are better off without you, because you feel that your continued existence is more harm than the "temporary" sadness of your death.

"I wanna go to Camp Killing Ground!
The gorriest campsite around!
I wanna go to Camp Killing Ground!
Where not all of me's gonna be found!"