
I …don't understand some things in this review…

I can honestly say the following:
I don't know who he is
He looks like a dick
It's 10:36 PM where I am

Stupid motherfuckers can't even rave right anymore.

I like this show, and my daughter absolutely loves it.
Maybe they could apply the same tricks to Julia and Emma?

The spuds are big
On the back of Bud's rig
And they're from Prince Edward Island

Not yet, anyway…those go-go-go, flashy, makin the scene types in Boise have been popping up, though

Planet Idaho is my new favourite place.

Because I care way more about your recent fatherhood than the fucking Tidal Twins, what's your little munchkin's-or munchkins'-name (s)?

Castor and Pollux? Need and Want? Jem and Iris?

I loved it, and I loved how excited my son was for me to watch it :)

Isn't that the new Mario Batalli soft drink?

While that app sounds confounding, confusing, and more of a garden path to frustration for me, if it works for you, then fuck what anyone else might say. Better to accept, adapt and control the anxiety as best you can in a way that benefits you, than to ignore it or allow it to control you.
Kudos. Me? I lose myself in

Popping culture?

"Prematurity made me a father, immaturity made me a dad"
I've been saying that for years, and it still doesn't get the laughs I think it deserves…
Watched Hugo with my kids for the first time last night, after my 9 year old son started educating me on Georges Méliès (I honestly had no idea who he was). Loved it.


Super congrats!

To paraphrase:
Eh, fuck it…can't be bothered.
Happy Fuckin Dads Day, everyone!

It's not impossible, but I understand what you're saying. Watch her stand up. Then, list the groundbreaking topics, wit, and insight within. It shouldn't take very long…at all….

I am not on this thread to "get it".

She's a friggin hypocrite. I watched her first stand-up special, and it was pretty much just "men this, women that". She may not like it, but she's gotten as far as she has because she's easy on the eyes, not because she's genuinely good or funny.
Hate me for that, but prove me wrong.