
Ya damn right!

The Night Court finale is still the best.

No worries-it happens to the best of us :)

Do you mean "age old"?

Where do jellyfish fall in the "fetish" wheel?
Tentacle? BDSM? Squishems?

Kinda has a Resident Evil vibe to it, doesn't it?

Does Tom Waits play his twin, Mick Norton?
Yeah, they can have different names.

Yeah, that would be mind blowing.

As a 44 year old man with little to no love for classic rock, I'm in that rarified air of having seen pretty much every act I wanted to….
Oh, except for Dead Kennedys…so, there ya go.
Yay me.

That African American got Attitude!

Your hired!

Making A Murderer 4: 4 Love Of Murder

In the winter, then? Jacket: Required!

I'll just wait for the sequel:
Making A Murderer 2: 2 Slayed 2 Murder

I once beat a man to death with his own prosthetic neck while his children looked on…that's kinda the same thing, right?

I like Jim Jeffries but this is too much.

It is a well known fact that-if you hug me, I'm grabbing your ass…guy, girl…I don't care. Play with the bully, you'll get the horny.

Well, I would argue that this was random…but, I believe "random" is another word undergoing definition expansion, so what the fuck do I know?

I'm discussing.
You can look at this situation-and the term "tragedy" and it's definitions-from a few different perspectives.
A number of years ago, my wife and I got into an argument about the word "crafty"; it grated on me that she used the word to describe someone who enjoyed or was good at doing crafts, and I

Ok, first of all-there was nothing snarky in my response, that was your inference. Second, was your question rhetorical, or is this open for discussion? If it's open for discussion, then let's discuss under the assumption that we're both adults and that I may have insight and perspectives that you may not, and vice