
A prick move? No. A somewhat ridiculous waste of energy? Almost certainly.

Maybe if the did a one-off called "Enemies", and they all fought to the death….with Joey, Ross and Rachel all sporting huge cold sores, of course.

Yeah, I was thinking that was a tad tone deaf…

Wether or not that is the case, the fact that Harvard's name is even attached is enough-no need to tempt fate and the investigative tendencies of the various denizens of the internet

I don't really see what's aggressive about that…

As I stated in a different thread, in a different time…Anyway, June is dedicated to me clearing a bunch of shit from my backlog, and there's some oldies for sure:
Finishing Walking Dead Season 2
Then, returning to Bioshock, which I never finished…then, GTA V, which I've never finished….my kids are home for the summer

I'm not casting aspersions here, but to be this upset about something suggests it's grounded in truth….

Is that an apology?

The fuck are you getting at? Don't voice displeasure because you're in the minority?
I apologized. Did you read that?

My apologies -I spoke out of frustration.

This-to me-is an act of War, and should be treated as such by every other country. Fuck you, America, and your illiterate, gleefully ignorant, shit stain of a population.


Really? OK, I'll give it a go :)

Alright, maybe I'll tune in
I've dedicated the month of June to decreasing my backlog as much as possible before my kids are home for the summer
Hoping to beat 5 games and watch 5 shows in total.
I have lofty goals, and I'm a hero!

Hey, burning half a planet is nothing to sneeze at! That's very impressive.

Is it an LGBT show? That sucks that it's cancelled.

The secrets Chelsea Handler must have….

I was actually going to start this show after I finish the Keepers…I suppose I don't have to now

Hey, I typed "haha"
I even literally patted myself on the back…
A ringing endorsement if ever there was

Comedy be Subjective, Joey. Get the fuck outta here with your absolutes :)