
Anyone else here able to sing Yakko's World?
God, I loved this show

Titusville? The fuck?

Middle-aged?! Haha-you greatly overestimate my health, son!

The Nunfuckers!

Actually, Titusville used the "overstand" line first.
Frankly, I thought this episode was great, but I'm a 44 year old white guy, so what the fuck do I know?

I thought a vago was….you know what? I'll just shut up ….

Perhaps he was just letting deaf people know he's an insufferable douchebag?

What, no mention of "Son of Sam"? It's a bloody outrage!

Is chenana a vagina euphemism?

Yeah, I…have too many games…if we're just talking ps4, I've got AC Syndicate, Sleeping Dogs, Uncharted 4, Alien Isolation, Lego Worlds & Dimensions, and GTA V on the go, and that's not including the 4 games on my vita and the 9 or so on my ps3…and….fuck, I need a nap.

I recently dusted off my copy of Oblivion: GOTY Edition to justify keeping our 360, and I love it all over again. I also fired up the Gwent public beta, and I'll be making my standard check-in on Neverwinter.
Really, I should just fucking clear my backlog….

I….really don't see the problem…


For me, there's 2 huge reasons I'll never see this:
Charlie Human as the star, and Guy Ritchie as the director.

I'm inclined to agree.

I don't know if it's tainted by nostalgia, but it was damn funny…

I disagree-Jo Polniaczek was not stunning in the past.

While it's not my cup of tea, per se, I can see the appeal, I suppose…
I remember getting high with my roommates and watching our apartment security camera and providing our own voice over…for various reasons, it was fucking hilarious….is that kinda the same thing?

The "filed under" categories all seem to be totally unrelated to one another

Everyone will know John & Jane Doe and their daughter "Mary"! Mark my words!