
Done and done.

Big fucking deal

I will go have a martini at the corner of Roger & Moore in Waterloo tonight.
RIP, sir.


Let the speculation begin!
Who here is the guilty party?

Hey kids, would you like to come with me?

Damn, zombies have some pop culture staying power

We are down in the Windsor area visiting my wife's family to celebrate my daughter's 7th birthday, so my pop culture consumption has been limited, but I have been immensely enjoying the YouTube episodes of "No Small Parts". I only just discovered them a week ago, and I just finished the episode on Richard Kiel. I'm

I don't think they ever did.

I've said it before…..

I'd argue the biggest controversy was Phil Hartman's death.

I hope someone told him that cyclopses and phoniexes are real, too.

Do you have the other half of my Amulet?

Anti-depressants have-ironically-made that all but fond memories

The Circumdecision

I believe that-since it's a streaming site, and not a download site-it's more difficult to get a virus….besides, everyone knows you can't get a virus your first time, or if you close the door, or if there's a period in your IP.

It's a porn streaming site that really puts the navigation of sexual fantasies in the palm of your hand.

There's normally a vas deferen between high and low brow humour, but this is a bit of an exception

No need to get teste

Joey, you blowhard!!!