
Some watery bint lobbin' scimitars is not a basis for government!

What an eyesore!!

"A Better Place" by SNFU has taken up a lengthy residence in my head.

Will do. Maybe I just twist your scarf?

I will. Thank you.

I do. Having a bad day, in all honesty…still, interfere with me and my kids, well, to fucking hell with you.

It's a constant, though?

So, you have a constant lady boner thats rigidness is proportional to men's fashion?

I'm a poet, and I had no idea

By the by, where in canada? I'm in kitchener, so you know.

Take your clothes seriously, that's fine-leave me to mine, though.

Total agreement.

It'll only last 5 seconds-my elbow, your throat, I walk.

I will always wear cargo shorts, and socks and running shoes. Fuck all y'all-they're comfy, I've got shit to carry, and they're perfect for my needs.

I wear shorts in the winter, and I'm not a "bro"…fair warning, if you tried to do that to me, I'd elbow you in the fucking throat. Just an FYI

We've been played!

Hmm, I've honestly never seen any of the behaviour you attribute to him. I've watched several of his videos with my kids, and he seems to be a fairly genuine guy. But, different strokes, as they say-perhaps I have a different tolerance than you.

What is it about him you find objectionable?

I like Dan TDM, as he's one of the few YouTube guys that actually targets his stuff for kids, and he works hard updating, editing, etc. My kids will never get the chance to see him, but I'd happily take them if it were possible.

I thought Liev and Naomi got a divorce? I
hope so, or else little miss liar and I need to talk…