
The hacky jokes practically write themselves!

In reading that, I have come to the conclusion that I am the flaw …



How the fuck do you get your kid to do that? Seriously.

Mike Myers is a lot of things, but "original" isnt one of them. Most of his characters and jokes have been stolen from various people or sources.

A jury convicted? Is that true?

Who be bad-mouthin Bubba!?

We could switch places…my wife would be incredibly happy…he'd probably get some joy out of it, too….after that, I bet everyone else would just be disappointed and really, really angry.

Totes. Under-over, ya know?

I did that all the time…ended up getting blinded by delight, then wrapped up like a douche…

I want to get into this series, but I'm not sure I "get" it, if that makes sense…? I have Persona Golden 4 on my vita, and I was enjoying it, but I found the persona leveling up confusing, and I wasnt sure who I should hang out with, what I was doing, and sooo, I dropped it in favour of Trails Of Cold Steel

Taking the kids to see this Saturday morning. Stoked as fuck, we are!

I've just fashioned this into a wonderful pick up line.

I worked up a sweat reading that.


"Do you know what she did? You're bunting daughter?"

So, there are many of you that seem to hate Moore as much-if not more-than Trump…I'm not Moore's biggest fan, but the fact that some of you can even put Moore in the same stratosphere as Trump is just mind-boggling.

Mass market? Eh, sure-it's great regardless, and the little town is nice, especially on my birthday
