
I agree with all of those bands…in fact, I'm surprised at a few of them, but I've never followed who's in the HoF.

So, having finished The Fall last night, and still suffering from Forensic Files Fallout, we're giving Rectify a shot…don't fuck us, AVC!!!

2 intolerable assholes.

All them coppers is just Mike Muir sympathizers

Nomeansno deserves a "Scenic Routes" column on this here site.

I'll go to my grave advocating for Creemore and Oban.

That's pretty sound science indeed. Ill-gotten gains are infused with the magic of impudence and ensorcelled with the potent herbs and components of rebellion itself…make haste, then, n'er-do-wells and motherfuckers to my palace of indolence! Bring snacks and shit, too…

Temple. Of. Elemental. Evil!

One of you guys should win this for me-you can come to my house and smoke pot legally while we play!

If I was an expert…


Men explain things to me all the time…big fuckin deal.

The fuck?

I'll check that out.

I would also add "The Inposter" to the list of not-boring docs. It's also bat-shit crazy

I was saying to my wife just a few days ago that I find it funny that, even though Captain Kangaroo hasn't been on the air in decades, everyone still knows what he looks like


What twisted pornography is that?

In our region, there was a TV clown called "Oopsy Daisy" that hosted "Big Top Talent"….fast-forward to high school, and it was discovered by my best friend's brother that the biggest bitch in our school was the daughter of said clown, a fact that she very unsuccessfully tried to deny…we were, understandably, merciless

Who in the fuck edited this article?