
Watch: Trapped
Read: American Gods
Play: Lego Worlds
Listen: NoMeansNo….always nomeansno….start with Wrong, then Worldhood of the World, then…

All Roads Lead To Kickstarter

Yes they do…Kickstarter?

Judging by your name, I might have said it was LARD, but, yeah, mine too…in fact, I want to start a NoMeansNo tribute band, and film a documentary on them, but…eh…money, time, and fatherhood you know…

Well, I can't argue the Gumball thing, but I disagree with your TTG statement…

My YouTube mix, which includes-but is not limited to-NoMeansNo (always), SOAD, Erasure, Crowded House, Bad Religion, SNFU, Metallica, and other shit…
And probably utter shit on the radio when my wife is driving

Even the garbage children can watch it!

Either you don't have the channel that airs TTG, or you have a pitiable lack of humour if you think TTG is unwatchable.

2 comments in, and they're both railing against TTG….humorless assholes-TTG is fucking phenomenal

I hope you guys can smell my pot and smugness down there.

Well, I think I'll be seeing this…alone, as my wife hates-HATES-clowns and especially Pennywise.

Dennis Farina as Jimmy Serrano is one of the greatest performances ever.

Well, this sounds like war.

Notify me when they revive Connections and Practical Guide To the Universe…in fact, that would coincide nicely with legalized pot….

Anybody else want an album of Nick's artwork? His spider Santa is one I'm seriously considering getting a tattoo of.


Yup and yup….and, her pelvic sorcery is pretty remarkable

Amateur porn …actress? Performer?
She really seems to know what she's doing….like, truly gifted

Amber Blank.

My son is 9, so he just shrugs and takes his medicine…slightly unfair comparison I suppose, but…I stand by my earlier equation