
How different is it from the first, 'cuz I hated that game.

I'll look into it, but I hated the first one.

So far-since we've still got today to go-we finally watched Rogue One. Excellent film, and the best star wars film as far as I'm concerned.
Picked up Lego Worlds for the PS4, and it's incredibly fun; well worth the $30 CDN retail price.
Later my wife and daughter will be going to see Beauty & The Beast, and I think I

*golf swing*

How many fucking chances can one bloated douchebag get?

Ken Burns over here…really disappointed it wasn't to be

It's good that he has the support of Jennifer while he deals with his addictions. I can't imagine living a life with such scrutiny while also battling addiction.

Agreed; I quit smoking 15 years ago, and I haven't touched one since, because I know too many people who did the "one puff when I'm drunk" and went right back to smoking. Not the same as alcoholism, but the addictive need is similar.

Counter-counter point: You're all pieces of poo, and you live in a massive landfill.
Step, Step

Well, I'm Canadian, so substitute French or Native for African-American, and there's alarming parallels…I understand what you're saying, and I understand that is …"different", but I'm sure if you ask someone on the receiving end of racism, they're not going to split hairs on the type they're experiencing ;)

I said it earlier-America doesn't have a monopoly on racism and misery. It's this cultural narcissism that's caused the world to pretty much hate the US.

It's called YouTube and "unboxing"…

I remember you could get a commercial for nickel…

We've been staying in a hotel with our kids for the past couple of days, and been "forced" to watch regular old, non-streaming tv, and it's been quite the culture shock for our kids:
"How do you pause this?"
"Why did the show just stop?"
"Put on Teen Titans Go!"

In theys sin-a-gogs and theys mosks and stuff…I reckon

You just want my DNA so's y'all can clone me fer yer digustin sex parties!

Beat me to it…and better…
I'm a Noobzilla

Not Mrs. GODZILLA. ..

Up from the depths, 30 stories tall-

Please, accept my apologies, faggert