
Stomach churning makes belly butter!

My lexiconical skills are beyond reproach, Libtard!

I watched TTG first, so I can't watch it's original iteration at all. :)

Yeah, Caillou is fucking crap.

My kids (6 & 9), love Adventure Time, Teen Titans Go!, and Forensic Files, so I'm good :)

Hmm..you have a point…it does leave room for confusion and personal interpretation…Ed Sheeran is balls out shitty.

No, I like milk. Ed Sheeran sounds like what the cancer that consumed my father looked like.

I understand that-as a general rule-music is subjective….Ed Sheeran is fucking garbage.

Oh, I love Cig and George, and I totally agree that it'll be those 2 teams in the final. The fact that Emily did something none of the judges had seen before on the last challenge-and she's done that a few times before-makes her my betting favourite. That, and she's ..what…18? 19?
She's also hot

By the by, Emily on this season is cementing herself as one of the most talented that's ever been on this show.

We'll stick with it, because I know it gets pretty great (I was an infrequent viewer when it aired originally), but this pilot episode is painfully dated, and Xander is one of the worst Chandler Byng clones I've ever seen.

It really is great

My wife and I started watching Buffy for the first time last night, and she fell asleep 15 minutes into the 1st episode. We'll try again later, I'm sure, but I'm not optimistic

I think bands should just boycott the US altogether

Neverwinter, Uncharted 4, Skyrim, and Puzzle Quest, to name a few.


Lopsided Mohawk in '88-89, and then just short and spiky, and occasionally shaved since…my mane is unruly, even at 44

We're off to kill the wizard. Beautiful.

The only reality show I watch is Face-Off. Is that critically reviled? If so, then critics don't know for shit.
Hmm….Teen Titans Go? Supernatural? Forensic Files? Are those reviled?

No. Mean. Snow.