
"Where am I? What year is it? "
Do we really want old man Whovian with his finger on the button?!

It is I, Ossimer, Greater Deity Of Apathy and Lethargy…uhhh…yeah, we're good, Sally.

Is this you?

Was already stoked for this…now, I'm stokeder

As someone stated, your president is Donald Trump, so never underestimate the balls out stupidity of the average American

Pennsylvania Country: Home Of The Amish Methamagis

Anyone wanna start a Kickstarter to send the cast and crew of his next film a crate of rape whistles?

I thought it was because of Michael Keaton calling it "Hidden Fences"…?
Well, whichever it is-my reaction was a tad harsh, but, Clayton knows what he done did

Damn, that was a great movie…

Sauron sees all, but sees no reason to attend thine shindig

Awww yeah…

"Shit Show Becomes Shit Show"

"Shit Show becomes Shit Show"

No, I didn't. ..
It's not a very good joke.

Hidden Fences?
Fucking idiot

No Small Parts, Just Isolated Ones…destroyed

I know-that's horseshit…

Here, take her-take the bitch!

I met this guy at Fan Expo in Toronto a couple of years ago, and I got my picture with him doing the "right on" salute from Big Trouble In Little China…with no offense intended to my wife and children, it is my favourite picture I have, even more so than the autographed photo of NoMeansNo my wife gave me as a wedding

I was in this scene very quickly-I was the homeless masturbator in the back left corner…I realize I've been typecast, but hey-work is work.