
In their defense, they're dumber than dirt, and not even half as useful.

Why not have George Martin's life? He seems to be doing fuck all with it

I'm starting to realize that the more buzz this movie gets, the more I dislike it…again, it wasn't a bad movie, but 14 oscar nominations is just fucking ridiculous

I was discussing this with my sister, and she's shocked I didn't know it…she then reminded me that, when we were kids on the schoolyard in the late 70's-early 80's, when there was a fight, we used to chant "fight, fight, n____ & the white"…I was stunned, but she's right…is it possible that I just blocked the Jim Crow

Really? That's…rough.

Yeah. When it came out. I was high as fuck…I suppose I missed that?

I only know of "tiger"….I've never heard of the "n" word variant.

Well, I'll be seeing this for sure

I fucking love that Odenkirk is getting the props and respect he so richly deserves

It occurs to me that I've never seen this film, and I honestly have no excuse for that…I will watch it in the next 24 hours.

This crazy enough to work

Occhams razor

Janice Griffith always seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders…

At the risk of making entendre on top of entendre…


I know his type-flashy, makin the scene…I bet he draws pee pees and wee wees in the pentagon briefing documents

I think I'll buy my wife a present, and tell my friends I love them

Excellent write up, and a good synopsis of Maher.

Their regenerative powers are legendary!

19? I knew it was an epic tale, but damn…..