
A wife, 2 kids and dealing with severe depression have helped me get there…I'll be doing stand up next month, actually, in a "fuck it, why not go for it at 44" kinda thing…old is the new young after all, right?

I've seen all 15 parts of that series!

I liked La La Land, but it has no business competing with Moonlight or Manchester By Sea in anything besides…I dunno…set design?

My guess-and I'm just spit balling here-is that they seem upset over the comments I made about the Playstation Vita on a different website, and they've decided to follow me to another dimension within the interwebs in an attempt to vanquish me…now, I own a vita that I enjoy immensely, and I'm unaware of any troll

No idea…pretty fun, though!


Rickrolled? I'd have called it "Chazzwuzzered"

I'm sure he does, but I'm tired of feeling empathy for anyone that couldn't possibly feel it for anyone else. To fucking hell with him and his ilk; raze them from the earth and piss on the ashes.

I dont.

You know, suicide is always an option, Milo.


I'll allow it, because it seems to be used sarcastically, but otherwise I'm in total agreement

Was uninterested, then curious, and now I'm just….meh-back to the backlog.

Who knew Howe, Prince and Bowie were such wrestling fans?

We will be playing Exploding Kittens this weekend :)

I keep my hands in my pocket and just nod-as a man, I know where your fuckin hands have been.

They're so last century

Fake account

Only stories of me getting dumped? Not, dumping?

Can't wait to buy the tshirt, eh?