
They never lie

U tot Utah a puddy grab?

That promo is pretty awesome

What's the vampire sub-genre?

That Netflix Christmas special was fucking atrocious

I'd do this just to ask him how his wife and kids are….

He knows what he done did….

That was Bridget Rentacar

Well, this'll require some revisions to the fan-fic

Calm your tits, Easy!

Yeah, I'd totally understand. Although, I don't think he's my wife's type…I mean, I get that she wouldn't say "no", but…

There was a time that this would have been exciting news to me…now, not so much.
The idea of going and releasing fake teasers and news IS appealing, though

I was hoping "rib fest" meant "anorexia convention"….

I know exactly one of those acts. At the risk of sounding fucking awesome, the only way you'll get a SXSW party of MY dreams is if you get NoMeansNo to come out of retirement and perform a 3 hour set, supported by The Hanson Brothers and GWAR.

I think we just came up with the plot-and the entire dialogue -of her first fetish video.

Journalism degree here, too. Happily anchored to a wife and 2 kids, but professionally….empty?
Let's start a zine!

Thanks for the suggestions in the comments-we're setting up a "cat-week" in our household, so the more suggestions the better :)

You landed that one.

Depends what you wanna do, I guess…

Take away daddy's money, and she's a successful porn star