
As did I..to go into politics?

Next stop, Alpha Cenghetti!!!

Referring to yourself in the 3rd person, NDT? Nerd!


I would also like to leave earth…are they hiring?

Why would you be tired of that?

Lower your standards!

Why, if it isn't international killjoy Neil DeGrasse-Tyson, in ridiculous disguise!

Dr. Phil puts a 13 year old girl on his show to be mocked and vilified, and somehow she's the piece of shit?
Fucking pedophile

Hasnt the AHA been under suspicion for incorrectly claiming "no animals were harmed in the making of this film", when, in fact, animals were indeed harmed-and killed, in some cases-during films they were said to monitor?

You'd think that, but you might be surprised…

This is not good for my erection…
But, kudos, Swedish Meatballs!

Yeah, I know….it makes me afraid to visit Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and the Czech Republic….I mean, if the Internet believes THIS is Sweden, then…I dunno…my world won't make sense


Time to let jesus fuck you in Dolby!

I've seen this on Netflix, and judging by the response on here, I'll definitely check it out.

Creemore and healthcare for me tonight!

I against I

Sounds like an movie version of a Rachel Bloom song

Having done some travelling, and spoken to many bands and shit over the years, the general consensus is Canadian women tend to be the best mix of intelligent, humble, witty, and hot.