
You're an anomaly!

Haha-your screen name suggests you'd be someone I'd definitely wanna meet, but, no-I doubt you'd want to meet me based on the above criteria :)
As far as Canadian men…yeah, I dunno-I suppose on a famous and international level, superficially we've never been hotter…but, as a general rule…I'd say the ratio is far more

No relation, I assume?

Oh, we're fine and all, and please, come enjoy fine beer, 4 seasons, health care and some of the hottest women around…but, beware the Leaf or Hip fan is my advice-they're plentiful, they're loud, and they're ignorant to a stubborn degree.

Yeah, I'll grant you that sports fans in general are fucking insufferable-there are very few of my friends that watch any sports, and I can't say that's by accident.

I think so. One of the most distinct characteristics I've found-and, full disclosure, I'm a Habs fan-is, while I would describe myself as a hockey fan, and my favourite team is the Canadiens, I can't remember when I've met a Leafs fan that describes themselves as a hockey fan; I love the game and I love to watch those

Hey, hate what you know, ya know?

Living in Southern Ontario certainly influences that, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a sadder, more petulant and wilfully blind fan base than the Toronto Maple Leafs…

I can honestly say I know next to nothing about Dr. Who…

Yes. Yes it does.

My top five insufferable fans, in no particular order:
Star Wars
Tragically Hip
Bill Murray

Note: This comment, like the AV Club, Gizmondo, Backfat Weekly, Bukomo Su Genfo, Jizzlobber, Cuddlecore Forum, ExplodingSuperSilverHeadMachineDog, Cook Stars USA, is owned by UniVision

Fuck you, Gimli, son of Gloin

Next stop….musical Supernatural?

Crystals! Won't somebody think of the crystals?!!

To say nothing of Tim Conway's guest starring role on 30 Rock, or his awesome Barnacle Boy on Spongebob…..but, yeah, this looks like shit.

Watched "Arrival" and "Hidden Figures", played Lego Dimensions with my son, took my kids to Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party on Saturday where I inadvertently taught them what a "dine-&-dash" is, and logged 23,000 steps in my fitbit.

I, too, am owned by Univision.
One world, one eye, one vision….or else.

Oor Wullie or up yer fuckin kilt

I can't wait to see the Skittles commercial depicting a guy milking a skittle-fed cow and getting paint, feeding it to rabbits, and collecting the rainbow-coloured shit, and stamping it with an "s" for shit, and then slingshotting it into his neighbors mouth.