
"I Get Up In The Morning & I Go To Bed At Night" by NoMeansNo
Seriously, they have a song for every occasion….throw them some fucking love, for fuck sakes


Is this akin to K-9 propaganda? Are dog lovers pissed at the popularity of cat vids so much so that they're trying to suggest dogs have "just as many lives as cats"?
Answer that shit!

Don't forget the crystals! Won't SOMEBODY think of the crystals!?

Marvel Hearts.

Let the Mustaine/Araya collaboration commenced!
SlayDeth! MegaLer! PsychoSuck! Pure Fucking Garbage!

I shit you not

I get the sinking feeling that the next few months on the Internet are going to feature varying degrees of this kind of shit from various angles, and I just don't have it in me to view or take part in this…I think I'm just going to retreat, raise my kids with the understanding that those who hate so vociferously are

That's Ashley Johnson…

Replace "kind of" with "really fucking", and that's my opinion of it.

"I don't buy your explanations, your short sighted expectations-stop complaining, I don't care"
Greatest song? Probably. Greatest band. Definitely.

Heh heh…yeah.
I'll never listen to what Slab says, anyway

Josh Gad is SO incontinent….

It's not worth it…just, let him believe his things, and just ignore him

No, that's Chance Maelstrom

I'm ready to laugh!

Phenomenal book.

I was just about to reread this book..well, this weekend, but. ..Anyway
Awesome news-one of my absolute favorite books

I bought the vita version of the first game a couple of years ago on the recommendation of a friend, and it was one of the worst purchases I made…absolutely hated the fucking game.
Reading reviews of the 2nd game-which are mostly glowing- isn't making me want it any more than the first

Well, considering his last name is an anagram of my first name, I claim it's MY go-to …so, get-gone, while the goin is good…gettin….gone…