
That's not what my vows said

Mandy Patinkin from Run Ronnie Run

We saw a trailer for this movie before "Sing", and I thought it looked like manipulative garbage, and my wife thought it looked "cute"…oh, the smug asshole in me is going to enjoy telling her this :)

Been really enjoying watching this with the kids…ever since this episode, my kids and I will randomly break into "My name isn't aaaannything but Stefano!"

Caught both of those :)

Who fucking cares?

I was dating a girl that looked like Tammy Lynn Michaels at the time…God, she was hot

That's such an injustice to the dogshit

Watched the first 2 ASoUE with the kids, and will continue later. Finished playing Inside (amazing, WTF-game), and started Telltale's Game Of Thrones.
Finally finished writing 2 songs…well, the lyrics and bass…that's good enough, right? :)

One of my 6 celebrity crushes

Does she….brb

Yeah, it is. I had played the 2nd one a little on the 360 before it crapped out on me, but it was a good 2 or 3 years before I played the 3rd, and totally relearened everything…assuming it was the same.
Be aware, though, that it is a massive game, and you can pretty much kiss your friends and family goodbye…and I

Just finished it….
Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.

No way am I touching that link…

Ugh…on the bright side, I'll annoy the shit out of my wife and kids this weekend :)

Yeah, I've made it a mission of mine to finish at least 3 games by spring from my massive backlog: Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, and Tales of Symphonia

I'm sure you've been recommended this, but-in the off chance you havent-I highly recommend The Witcher 3. Absolutely amazing game.

Oh yeah? I'm loving Inside, but I'm not sure how far I am…crazy game, though

Good luck!

I'll be finishing Inside and The Last Guardian this weekend.