
The Deptford Trilogy, perhaps?

I'm lookin for that Platinum Pussy

My understanding is they're not even considering cancelling it until Season 14, or around 300 episodes, and even then, it's apparently the tightest cast in crew on television, and the freedom all of them have is unparalleled, so the thinking is "why fix-or dismantle-what isn't broken?"

You will…and, if I can help, let me know. I've been going through my own struggles, and having someone to share the journey with would help

Started watching season 11 of Supernatural, started playing The Last Guardian, and got back to playing bass after almost 2 months of …apathy, I suppose? Feels great, and it didn't take long to get my fingers up to an acceptable speed, and my fret-tapping is coming along too :)

Hey man-you didn't know!

Ol Blue Feet!
This thing writes itself!

Sank Frinatra!

I was there, and it was a fucking rager! Diamond Joe, Chance, Mindy, Emma and I did rail after rail in "The Blow Hole"…apparently, it didn't get its name from Cocaine!
Damn, best time I've had since I played D&D with the DayGlo Abortions after we gigged with them back in '96.


I think I had/have a MySpace page….

I'm rewriting "The Majestic", to make it about a mom & pop S&M dungeon instead of a theatre.

Freaky Deaky!!

I have…and, it's like I havent-I honestly couldn't give you ANY details about any episodes I've seen beyond …cast…chats?


Our kids love Princess Mononokae and Coraline. Kids can handle their shit, if you talk to them about what they're seeing and why

My wife and I watched it for a season, maybe a season and a half, and it was laugh out loud funny, especially the ridiculous holograms and shit…then, it was just shitty

Like a Rhinestone Cowboy!

I wasn't too Gein on that pun, but it's Ed and shoulders above the rest!

My wife and I are raising our children to believe in everything, except themselves!
See you at church!