
Oh, and the best butt song for kids? "Enjoy", by the Descendents.

My kids and I still enjoy The Imagination Movers album "For Those About To Hop"..it's honestly a fun, energetic album with fantastic musicianship that blends numerous genres. Highly recommended

As a father of 2, it's not my job to force my likes/dislikes/tastes on my kids. I played kids music for my kids, and I sang along and delighted in when they sang along. I play my music, and they ask questions, and I answer them. My daughter loves Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, and my son just listens

Yeah, me too…

Be quiet you awful, awful man!

Tim Gunn writing your headlines now?

The only DC product I really care about at this point is Teen Titans Go.

Who gives a flying fuck?

As a man of Green Gables?

Oooo-good one. Dark Horse: Ian McKellen

Sean Connery, Paul McCartney, and Max Von Sydow

Goin to the Mobius Strip later to see Dialiethia in nothing but her pair of docs….coming?

Thank you-that's an excellent tag line for my upcoming year ;)

Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for the laughs, discussions, criticisms, and insights. I'm making strides to combat my mental illness, and I appreciate all insight and perspectives from all of my outlets, as it were.

Only sometimes vowels in twnty svntn!!

Well done!

I think the only new game I played this year was World Of Final Fantasy, so…by default…

Flashback Friday

It's like deja vu!
