
Awesome. I'll check that out

My cursory glance tells me that is indeed what I'm looking for
That beholder is too fucking cute

Is "Rifts" still a thing? I remember me and my friends buying a bunch of source books back in the '90's, but the books got passed around and nothing ever came of it. Always looked interesting to me

My friend gifted me with the responsibility of 5th ed. Players Handbook and DM's guide for my birthday, and I'm working on a very basic adventure to run my kids through (son 8, daughter 6). I'm trying to find that balance between very, very fun and educational; my daughter learns things the way I do, and I have a

"That's the problem with you paladins; you spend an unhealthy and inordinate amount of time detecting evil, when the real worry lies not in the predictably of evil, but in the unpredictability and addictive wonder of chaotic neutrality"
Desomoriasuphae-Chaotic Neutral necromancer

Ah, but then that raises the discussion of "what is evil?", and-if evil-to which alignment of evil do I hitch my headjar to?

I'll eat them in front of my crying children…and then have my legs amputated due to diabetic shock…also in front of my children.
Never pass up an opportunity to teach your children, I say sometimes

That is the opposite of how I feel

I'm a Sorny man myself!

Motherfucker. That's all I got.
RIP, Mr. Glass. Truly a credit to your profession.

Yeah, my sentiments exactly. I'm not exactly a fan of Marah, and that recommendation and write-up are pretty much a perfect synopsis as to why

"Bonus Cup"

"I'm working through some stuff"

It's hard when you see yourself a certain way, even when others don't. I've been oddly lucky for someone with my physical and mental limitations, and I don't know why.
As I say, I'm married now and a father, and also medicated for depression, so any "vibes" I'm giving off are probably of the "Even saying hello to me

I'm older, slimmer guy with hair, and that equation doesn't do it either…I'm also married, and almost always with at least one child in tow, soooo
That's why women don't look at me twice…yup, gotta be…

Jesus. My thoughts.

My deepest condolences. Allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling-there really is no right way to grieve, and no length or breadth with which to do it. My father passed away 9 years ago, after an incredibly brief battle with Mesothelioma (was given anywhere from 6 mos, to 18 mos, and died the next week), and I

As someone great once said:
Try and surround yourself with people your thankful for, as opposed to people who remind you of what you're thankful for.
Friends are the family you choose, which makes them way more special.

My Little Pony. Do/Make/So/Think with that info what you will :)

Six Feet Under. Parenthood. Breaking Bad. Pretty much any show, really-what's the point?