
I was thinking "KittyHawks", but I'm flexible

I thought June 6th was…peaking at 6 am…the best time for it to be Raining Blood

Me too….and I'm Canadian AND I have a horrible stomach virus…I feel ya

Canada Day
May 2-4
Rabby Burns Day
Slayer Day


I'm envisioning a Hold Me Know/End Of All Things mash-up

If you're into this sort of weird humour, perhaps this little exercise can help you get through the holidays:
My wife and I have taken to giving people we know MLP nicknames; I flippantly referred to my son as Alabaster Trot one day, and we laughed our asses off-son included.
My wife is currently the holder of thinking

They retired….my personal low point of 2016….although, I wanna start a NMN cover band …..interested? Anyone? Anyone?

This Canadian wishes you a warm, wonderful and bountiful thanksgiving. I'm also going to take this opportunity to thank everyone for-working at the website and the commenters-for allowing me a forum to discuss things personal (my deres sion, etc.), and non-personal (almost everything else on here) without making me

My wife bought PPZ for me for Christmas the year it came out, and I tried…motherfucker, I tried, but….no

I summoned one of these for Thanksgiving a few years back, and it was quite delicious….the ensuing waking nightmares and intestinal….."distress", however, was unpleasant

I read this….that is about the only thing I can say about this that isn't negative

I bought Sun for my wife for Christmas, and I'm resisting the urge to give it to her early.
I'll be trucking along with World of Final Fantasy, and-as sick as I am getting of Neverwinter - I'll take advantage of the big weekend they have ahead. Other than that, it'll be much more about what we're buying this weekend

I thought that was a Chaplin? Local dialect thing, I guess.

I'll check that out, even though it means sitting through Chelsea Handler

We're on Season 7 right now, and I've not noticed any real dip in quality, but I'll grant you that coming off of seasons 5 & 6 weren't going to be easy.

If we're talking animation/cartoons, Teen Titans Go is my pick

I've tried to like Schwartzman, I really have, but I just don't…

The wife and I have been bingeing Supernatural….well, not really bingeing it, because it's 11 seasons on Netflix, and any sort of horror-themed show or movie is a tough go for her (even one as light as supernatural ), but I'm really enjoying it.

I'll check that out.