
I don't know this guy at all, and this contradictory interview doesn't make me want to; how are you supposed to even entertain the idea of removing the "segregation" of comedy when you don't really want to leave New York City?
I'm sure he's a nice, intelligent guy, but this interview didn't really showcase that.

I assumed, I just have to meet my weekly quota of mentioning injecting things in my dick on the Internet. I'm off my usual pace of 7,000 a week…

I agree…except for the "fuck her" part…I think it would be more fun and erotic to just get the cornucopia of diseases injected straight into my dick

My wife showed me pictures of her she posted during chemo…they were pretty rough

No hole barred?

A part of me actually believes that she doesn't know anything about being a Nazi….I wouldn't be surprised if she thought "Hitler" was a BDSM term

Glad that she seems well enough to film.

Well, I voted for Kodos

Because ain't nobody more dapper than us Canadians…except on film, it would seem

RIP Mr. Kaufman.
To be able to have brought so much illumination and happiness to so many lives is a gift we've all enjoyed, and your passing lessens this world.
Condolences to his family and loved ones.

Can somebody introduce Rock N' Roll to Asgard?

The sword of truth-just another weapon, so shut the fuck up and listen for one more second

"So, you'd rather listen to shit on the radio that we'll probably hear as soon as we walk in the mall, and then again grocery shopping, and then read about that shit on 50 fucking websites that you can't fucking avoid? Think of this as an escape from all of that homogenized shit-it's artistry at its finest, and wit at

I like that you didn't respond in an absolute; that you left room for the possibility

"Kill Everyone Now" was my go-to song after I was released in a morbid attempt at humour…I laughed, so I suppose it satisfied it's target audience ;)

Good luck.

Thanks, I really appreciate it. :)

Now, imagine that type of rational thinking being honed in on you like a laser and screamed at you for wanting to listen to something other than Nomeansno in the car, and you've got an idea of what my wife has had to go through

No, it isn't, but you know that, and that's what matters right now.

It is a shit show, for sure. I try to remind myself-when I'm freaking out about the compost lid not being snapped shut or some shit-of the heartbroken look on my wife's face when she came to see me in a pure glass "bedroom" and how I couldn't look her in the eyes…and how she's still here, wanting to lay her head in my